
Me, management and art: Nothing Fails Like Success!

Me, management and art: Nothing Fails Like Success! : "Robin Sharma said : We are more vulnerable when we are most successful. Success breeds more complacency, inefficiency and arrogance! The que..."

Life as I see it

L i fe is not always a bed of roses, as is rightly said by some. But it's not always bad either! For me it's been great a while back, well actually a year back it was amazing! right now it's not so good. You really cant take the complete blame of what has happened to you, obviously you can't escape the fact that you did play a part in it. In fact, mostly its just us who can effect the whole damn future and even our today. So, I did make blunders, mistakes but who doesn't? we all do! What I wasn't prepare of was the way our environment and the people around us affect our lives. Believe me no awareness of it can prepare you for that impact. It whoosh the air out of me. And for the past 8 months here I am jobless with my life in turmoil, coping with the circumstances. But still, life is not so bad. I have been seeing people in my life cry, get hurt, their lives turned upside down which I might add includes me also, yet i know its not the end of World. Time will ch...

Nothing Fails Like Success!

Robin Sharma said : We are more vulnerable when we are most successful. Success breeds more complacency, inefficiency and arrogance! The question is why it happens? Why the success that is hard earned fails? We all have weak memories and we forget quickly all those factors that has put us to the top. Once we are at the top we ignore that hard work, creativity, ability to innovate and the resons of our motivation that were the key to success. We forget all those committments that we have made to ourselves and  to our work. We become sloppy, ignorant and worst of all we spend time loving our success instead of finding ways to progress further or trying to retain the position that we have achieved. The more successful you are, the more humble and devoted you need to be!   You have to be more committed to hard work and efficieny and relentless improvement. Because the moment you stop doing those things that got you to the top is the moment that you start your slide down to l...