Shadow of a doubt!

We often see ourselves surrounded in issues and we jump to certain conclusions. Without thinking much and with no in depth analysis of the reason and cause of our dilemma and the implications related to the path we are about to take; we set the wheels in motion.
But once we are about to accomplish what we set out to do, shadows of doubt start seeping into our perceptions. And believe it or not the more we discuss and share our doubts the more confuse we become. With every discussion shadows of doubt and confusion strengthen more. Its amazing to see how we started off, how sure we were and how confuse we are now!

It’s important to understand the dynamics of decision making. Why I use the term dynamics, is because we are not the only one responsible for our decisions. In a Pakistani society, your parents, siblings and even your extended family members show a considerable influence on your decisions. And like it or not most of the decisions are not made because they are rational decisions but “to please others, to become acceptable and to upgrade once station in social circus”. 

Other then them, there are those who are our friends and even acquaintances play an important role at times. All this lead one to wonder, do I have any right on my own life or its just a commodity to facilitate and please others!

As I mentioned earlier the same situation leads to an endless series of doubts and fears. How to overcome them?? Well dear all, please start believing more on your self then on others, and trust me, before the decision is finalized everybody will be giving suggestions and highlighting points of worry. But once the decision is finalized, you will realize the crowd has suddenly vanished and you are standing alone….happens all the time!

So, be ware. And accept the challenge. Prove your metal and work hard. You and only you can make your own destiny and create a future for yourself. Trust and acceptance of your strengths and your weaknesses will lead you to your future. Make decisions that you can live with and not what others want!

Happy and wise living!


  1. Almost all the decisions involve some conflicts or dissatisfaction..its upto us whether we choose our OWN Choice or follow what others want., just listen to your DIL..and stand on it happily.... :-)

  2. You are writting well but be more open about your ideas. This is a very nice article.


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