Books that I read and love!

Well by books I not only mean the Management or self-help books but also classics like Jules Verne, Charles Dickens and novels of today's time.

Today's Books is:

SHERLOCK HOLMES by Sir Author Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes is a series attempted by many but I love the writings of Sir Author. These are not only adventure series packed with thrill and excitement but also gives food for thought. The keen observations, amazing perspective, great IQ, and compassion. Something to be said about being an amazing intellectual. If you go in the background of the series you will know that the author had real life inspirations to write such an amazing series.

I totally fell in love with Mr. Holmes and I doubt I can ever meet a man with such capabilities. Here I must add that the recent adaptation of the character by Robert Downe Jr. was amazing, he suited the role perfectly.

For any one who loves adventures and mysteries and who has a craving for a book that is not only entertaining but has a sound background of intellect and knowledge this series will be a great read!

I might add famous sentences from the series in near future. For now happy reading!


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