Do what you love!

Everyone in this world is working on one thing or another, yet are we all happy to be doing what we are doing? Is it our passion? Are we enjoying ourselves along the way??

After some research and analysis of human behavior I can safely say that 90% of us are not happy doing what we are doing...Donald Trump once said that "passion helps you do better" If you are passionate about something then you will be willing to go that extra mile, take the heat on, work long hours...heck you would even work when you are not suppose to work, and this all comes from with in you.

If you don't want to do something yet you have to do it, you will but that would not be done with love and passion. You will do it for the sake of doing it. And that would never be enough! Find something you like or love in everything you do! Be it any profession, you can be a doctor, teacher, engineer etc.....find something you like to do in that field. and for all those young ones who are just starting up....dear please choose the profession you not only like but love! something that inspires you and you are crazy about it. Trust me your chances of success will be 110% then any other individual. Know why? cause you love to do it.

 I wanted to be an artist, have this amazing desire to be in the field of arts and designing but I ended up in the field of management sciences (why it happen is another story) so, to cut it short....that was not something I wanted but I was stuck in it. Now when you are in such a situation you have to learn to love it...and i tried...with some luck and great many failures topped with hardwork....I found my place! I learned to love it.

Fortunately for me when I got my first job I was given the chance to work for Training & Development...that was when I felt I'm home! and you know why, cause it gave me the chance to be creative and innovative. In my current position I have great opportunity to work on various creative projects, design and create attractive materials and have the satisfaction I always wanted.

But to be honest if I would have been in any other area of HR I may not have been this successful and most definitely this happy. I am not saying that if you don't love the job quit it, all I am saying is that find something in it that you love and if you can't then look for other options. But please make your self enjoy what you do cause it is important for your own growth and satisfaction.

When you love what you will drive yourself to unparalleled heights and gain achievements!
Remember when you add a little extra in ordinary things you make them.....EXTRAORDINARY!!!

And extraordinary = hard work + passion! so guys, when you love what you do, the result is extraordinary (meaning a lot of hard work and passion is involved) I know you got my try it guys!



  1. Again very well written! Keep up the good work! It will definitely help people joining the corporate world and thhe people who are about to chose their career.

    Warm Regards,

    Your Well Wisher

  2. Very True!!! Imagine if Picaso would have been a clerk, Amitabh Bachan a banker and Shahid Afridi a Salesman. All these people are successful just because they did what they loved.

  3. Shahid Afridi with his brute force tactics as Salesman and Amitabh Bachan with his persona as Banker may have been successful ;)

    Very well written stuff madiha, straight from the heart.
    I would agree with most of it as they say " If you love what you are doing, you dont do a single day of Job in your whole life"

    but on the other hand, we have reality bites of this materialistic world where we are more concerned with Earnings rather than Loving what we Do :) !

  4. Shahid Afridi with his brute force tactics as Salesman and Amitabh Bachan with his persona as Banker may have been successful ;)

    Very well written stuff madiha, straight from the heart.
    I would agree with most of it as they say " If you love what you are doing, you dont do a single day of Job in your whole life"

    but on the other hand, we have reality bites of this materialistic world where we are more concerned with Earnings rather than Loving what we Do :) !


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