The Art of giving Interviews - 2nd edition

How many interviews have you given?? 1, 3, 10, 15 etc???

Do you realize that every time it takes equal amount of courage and patience to go through that? I was jobless for a year and a half and this gave me ample opportunity to master this fine art of giving interview...!

here are some useful pointers to assist you in getting the best out of every interview:

1) LOOK YOUR BEST: When you go for an interview please please look your best....we as humans like to work with people we like best. So give it your best shot by dressing up in the most corporate style!

2) POSTURES & GESTURES: Give all the right signals! It's very important that the messages you are sending with your non-verbals is giving the interviewer the right impression of you being a positive and confident person. Remember we respond more to non-verbals than verbals of a person.

3) YOUR WORTH IT: So your nervous? It's ok, anybody can be nervous. But why show it to anybody and most of all to the person whose taking your interview?? Maintain Eye contact! Show them you can do your quite good at it and they are lucky to have you considering them as a prospective employee. BE CONFIDENT!

4) HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY: Don't over commit and please don't exaggerate....the best thing you can do is be honest...tell them what you can do, what they should expect and what you are looking for in that position. May be you wont get the position but believe me its hell better to be honest then regret it later.

5) ITS ALL IN THE BRAIN:  If you think you can do it, you can! and if you think you can not....please don't even try it. What we perceive, we believe and what we believe, we make it happen. When you go for an interview next time believe that you can do it and I know you will.

I hope this helps. Wish you all great success in everything you do.


  1. Yet again very well written and will be helpful for a lot of people who are going through the process of interviewing. And it is also a great learning for me. Keep up the good work Madiha!

    Warm Regards,

    Your Well Wisher


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