The Corporate Dilemmas

For all those who are working or who have worked at one point of time or another would be familiar with various odd situations that happen on regular basis in offices. It's amazing to note that these situations are usually caused be the know-it-all types! these are the people who consider themselves smarties and grab every opportunity to make a point (God knows how ridiculous it gets). They are the most common factors of frustration, humor and stupidity. A classic example of human nature going crazy.

Everyday a person working in the corporate environment goes through a series of emotions, from hilarious to frustration, sadness and misery and of course a little bit of happiness now and then. The most irritating of the times is when a new idea is popped into your head and your crazy enough to present it in the executive forum. It literally feels like you have just presented a body for postmortem and then you bury the poor fellow in the piles of advises and the end of the day you will feel where your creativity gone? (Representing my own situation)

Another interesting one is gossip mill working 24/7, even after you have gone home you would still be the topic of the discussion. An admiring quality in the people working in the gossip mills is their imagination. My God the imagination they have; if bestowed upon an artist would do wonders in creating the master pieces. It requires great skill to fabricate stories that do not even exist let alone the links that are to be build to give points of references for the observers.

The next in line are the "attention seekers"; these poor souls went through hell everyday to be the center of everything. It must be tiring for them to work so hard to gain the focal point and then work even harder to retain that position. These are the people who 99.999% of the times make a cake of themselves to be acceptable and highlighted and would turn themselves inside out to become pleasing to the eyes and ears.

But there is another side also....the "attention avoiders"; these poor souls spent their entire energy in hiding themselves and go to great lengths to become invisible to all. They can be best describe as "let-me-be and I-wont-disturb-you". Guess what, they are the ones who are commonly, generally, usually or whatever situations, are thrown into circumstances where they get in lime light and then face the music.

All in all, its a pretty good social circus, with artists from all walks of life are brought under one umbrella to perform, act or fool around. You may learn many things from your professional life but what you will commonly learn is to endure it all and be patient!

Wishing you great success and amazing tolerance ;)

Happy Reading.


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