Corporate World!

God how lucky must be those who are running their own businesses....and how poor us doing jobs! All day long, we hear nothing but do this and do that and what are the norms and what should not be done in the office...what is acceptable and what is not!

So like any other office...I have my fair share of do's and do's and do's and don'ts!!! But the real question is how we'll do all these do's..putting them into action is the real task. And that's not the only thing, we also have to keep things cool, positive and effective!

The best advice I can give anyone is to keep a cheerful outlook on things...I know its not possible always but one has to try and keep on trying! the more negative you get the more frustrated the situation will become. Believe me, if you are not positive then every task, every assignment is going to be a misery and you will learn nothing.

Working professionally is important but how many of us take our assignments as a way of learning new things or building our profile. No we just take them as one more misery in the pile of issues and problems. This attitude would not get us anywhere and would only add to our already high level of dissatisfaction. It is imperative that we learn to be positive and start doing work to not only fulfill our job requirements but also to enrich our learning and develop our profiles.

Believe me, when i say that its one of the most important things that I learned in the last 5 years that I have been working in the corporate world. You will find every other individual who would do nothing but to add to your issues and misery....and what will you do with this added frustration?

It's better to focus on yourself and work hard...stay positive and know that whatever you are working on you are doing to groom and develop yourself...have success in your career and grow to be better professionals and most importantly better human beings!

Stay positive and stay tuned!


  1. Great Work Madiha! Very informative and good read! Keep up the good work! It will definitely help people realise how to learn from every assignment and task!

    Warm Regards,

    Your Well Wisher


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