The Teams and The Fanatics

Every team is a combination of various characters.....The intellects, the moderators, the aggressors and the comedians and off course the leader. In my experience it is the comedian that is most difficult to control or at least tone down a bit. And you know why cause he is too busy being the funny guy that he doesn't or may be can not realize how his actions are jeopardizing the team and its effectiveness. 

The intellects are the book worms, absorbing the knowledge and sharing wisdom...again this if taken to immeasurable heights can become an issue.Who wants a living encyclopedia? Know what I mean?? 

The poor babies are the moderators...trying their best to make everyone happy and be pleasant.  Their dilemma is even more frustrating cause they try to be effective also. Aggressors are well....aggressors!! The tension creators, and my the arguments they get into...not only outside the teams / groups but also within the group. 

The leader in the team is the poor soul who tries to push the people around  in the desired direction..again this is frustrating but also is a challenge and adds a lot of spice into the game.

The Fanatics are like mini tornadoes revolving around each other, hitting, bouncing, bumping and then bouncing again. This creates a lot of friction which if handled well creates great positive energy and creativity and innovation. The odds of the teams help generate a positive and an even outcome.

So the oddities are always good instead of bad, friction is positive and 
fanatics are fantastic! 



  1. Madiha, you summed up the situation very well! Very well done. Keep it up. Hope to see more of these.

    Warm Regards,

    Your Well Wisher

  2. Sad but true!! but an amazing thing is that if any of these character is missing in the team , the team will lose its charm. And behind every good company their is an excellent team.


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