Prince charming!

How many of us are lucky to find our prince charming? and when we find him, are we able to recognize him? That's the biggest question I have faced all along but truly when you find him or her (Princess) you would know it all by your own self and gut feeling. Please dont ignore that tingling sensation that you have in the presence of any such person.

Its been my experience that whatever used to go wrong in my friendships and other relationships went  right with the right guy and I was so pleasantly surprised that it took me weeks to adjust to this new feeling. But honestly things change as if magically and all goes right between the two of you even if the world seems to be going down the drain. And off course it doesn't matter cause you have the one you love and want!

Finding the right person is not easy but what's more difficult is to hold on to that person all your life, to ensure that the fire between you to keeps on burning and is renewed now and then. You have to find things that you enjoy doing together to ensure a stronger companionship.

I am no love guru but I have learn this from experience that to ensure a healthy and positive relationship you have to be honest, sincere and at times blunt! Believe me when we dont clear misunderstandings and issues we are just building cases against us that pile up to become a wall between us and our partners. So, its better to be straightforward and blunt and please dont pretend even for the sake of your loved one cause for one thing you will be setting the wrong precedence and secondly YOU CAN NOT PRETEND ALWAYS!!!

So why even try doing that?? Be yourself! if he / she loves you they will be with you no matter how good or bad you are!

And prince charming always stays with his princess no matter how odd the situation is!


  1. Fantastic read. Loved every word of it! Want to see more of these! Great work Madiha!

    Warm Regards,

    Your Well Wisher


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