a journey of love!

Sometimes you learn things that you never thought to learn. In these things some are amazing and take you on a journey of discovering your own self and the power that lies within you. I recently went through such a journey…a journey of love!

By love I don’t mean the love as in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ only, but much more than that. Being Muslim we strongly believe that Allah created everything with love, and love is the only power that holds us together and keep us going.

I never knew that all I have accomplished in life so far is because of the love I have received and the love I have for others, my family, my soul mate, my work and life in general. They all have given me so much, made me what I am today, have given me strength and passion to live to the fullest.

If I traced my life backwards, all that I see and can conclude is that though there has been a healthy share of grief and pain, of betrayal and heartbreaks but I have managed to survive all cause I was given so much love by my Creator (Allah), my family and the person I love and cherished most.

My love of life comes from this and I strongly belief that “Love bears all, endures all” It is what keeps us motivated and hopeful of life, which in return generates positive energy that is the key ingredient of success in everything in life both personal and professional.

I can assure you I would never have been so successful in my professional life if I have not been given so much love, it gives me an inner strength and peace that is essential to create new ideas and deliver the best every time in every training session that I organize or facilitate.

Love is a positive energy that shimmers around you and lights your way in every difficulty. It’s not only about loving the other person (off course its importance and a very strong motivation) but there is love for everything in the world, for helping others and creating beauty and peace where ever you go. It’s the energy! The power!


  1. Absoultely agree with you, I think Love & Positive Thinking are the energy that can do wonders. I believe in it & I believe with Positive attitude one can achieve anything in life whether its success in career lader or having positive health relationship.

    Very well written article.


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