Buying Tomatoes!

The other day, in one of the marts…I was buying vegetables. On the shelf where the tomatoes were placed, there was a group of three selecting tomatoes out of the bunch. I went up to that corner and started placing tomatoes in the cart.

While doing that I realized that no one was paying attention to the bottom half of the shelf where there were good tomatoes. Everyone was focused at the far end of the shelf, stretching hands, pushing others, picking the wrong ones and then sorting again. While such good, red tomatoes were lying very close to us.

Then it stuck me that in the same way we ignore so many good things close to us and just worry about what lies ahead or what we can’t have easily then what is ours to have. So much we come across daily, little things that happen all the time…and we just ignore them because we are too busy thinking about things that are not with us, that we want to have!

What a way to treat life! Everyday, God place good things in our path and they get trampled cause we are too far sighted. So much gets lost in this daily rush. Little things that can give us so much pleasure, a thank you from some one, a loved ones smile, the happiness on your child’s face…so much we loose thinking about what lay ahead us and the wish list we have.

And what we get in return? Nothing but anger and frustration! And the effects of these frustrations get spilled on to people who care for us, who wish to see us happy.

It really made me asked me, what am I doing? I have a great loving family, amazing friends and a job that not only pays well but keeps me happy. Then why the fuss? Why worry for future that is not known to me! Which neither I can predict, nor I can control! I must be really stupid for wasting my breath on something I have no control over.

The best I can do is live to the fullest in every moment, in every breath…and thank God for giving me what I have. No more wasting time on things those are unseen!!

Let’s stay focused on Today!


  1. Great Stuff! A real eye opener! Keep up the good work! Like to see more of these!


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