Gender Dynamics at Work

Ever wonder why things are different in one organization where there are more men and few women then from one where there are more females and few males. It’s a completely different experience in both the situations. Someone like me who has experience both to the max knows the dynamics that exist.

One where there are more males the environment is charged with currents of male combat and women are treated more as damsels in distress, whether they are upset or not. Simultaneously, a woman would feel more challenged and questioned in such an environment…as all the eyes are on you. And sometimes you feel as if you are less human and more an object in the eyes of males of the species.

But here we should not forget that men with their objectivity helps you get by difficult things quickly.  They are great helpers, do the tasks that you feel uncomfortable in doing with great aplomb, stand-up for you, be kind and generous and take my word for it, they are far better friends to a woman then other woman can be (No insult intended)

So, yes I had a fair share of working in such an environment and though it has its moments, yet I can still easily say it’s good to work with male colleagues. You will feel more appreciated and less criticized by them. And trust me where your every moment will be noticed, it won’t be commented by them.

Let’s see the flip side of the coin….women by nature are caring and nurturing and they do tend to take the weak counterparts under their wings and see that they get all the care needed to grow and groom. This same element of their nature makes them sensitive too. This sensitivity goes both ways…negative and positive…if you’re in good books of the lady then she will move heaven and earth to protect you, but if she has reason to question your motives and is a tad suspicious then everything comes out of you will be taken negatively and marked as a personal hit.

There is a third category of women that now exists and I am very happy for that! These women are the most dynamic beings cause despite their feminine self, they manage to think with objectivity then sensitivity, more focused and goal oriented and natural leaders who are taken with great respect and authority by their peers, subordinates and superiors alike. You don’t get much of a chance to question such a woman, neither you think you can survive if you tried to make a pass.

But these types of women suffer too! As either they are a cause for other people’s complexities or people start taking them as a challenge to break them or push them to see how far they will go. Eventually for them it’s tad difficult to gain acceptance and takes a lot of time and sound people management skills to build repo.

If you observe these scenarios in depth you will notice that it all boils-down to one thing only…how we handle people and the situations. It’s a person’s ability to either manage the situations or let the situations manage him or her.

A brief insight for those who like reading, and for women who share the same sentiments.

Happy Reading!


  1. Wonderful.. I like how you have been positive about working with females yet tried conveying a very subtle message. Pros & cons exist everywhere. Brilliant piece of work!


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