Why HR people preach the benefits of Continuous Learning?

In any healthy organization you will find the HR people always going on and on about the benefits of learning continuously. You will see that the HR people in the organization attend various learning events, social meet-ups and are generally more vibrant and impressive.

Have you ever noticed why this happens? Why they tend to capture attention in a gathering? Why you find people looking out for the HR representatives and everyone is attentive when they speak? Well the answer is simple, in any organization; they are the people who are more aware of “what’s new in the Industry”, “The latest updates, and the new Trends” and “what’s up next”.

This is more attributed to the role of HR people in the organization. They have to keep themselves developed and informed  with market trends, they have to be well versed, as they have to reach and connect with people at all levels, internal and external. They are not only desired to be more human, but more knowledgeable and understanding towards all the functions of the organization and pros & con of whatever goes with-in the organization.

As a result of this you will always find them sharing the insights and experiences and encouraging the team mates to take on new learning ventures and explores their skills further. When we learn and make an effort to continuously enhance and enrich are knowledge and skills, we not only end up in developing ourselves but also become a valuable asset to the organization. This not only increases our chances to grow within the organization but ensures better opportunities in the job market.

Hence, Continuous learning is something to be taken on seriously and sincere efforts be made in the direction of enhancing knowledge and exposure. This is mostly a joint venture between the HR people (representing Management) and the Employee itself.

Be sure you are a part of learning organization!

published for Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140628090126-153504996-the-benefits-of-continuous-learning?trk=object-title


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