What's in it for the Mentor?

Recently I got a chance to act as a Mentor for young women who are entering the Job market or who find themselves in trouble in the Corporate World. I took the opportunity as a way of giving back the good experiences I have accumulated in the last 7 years.

A couple of years back, i was very much encouraged by a colleague of mine to motivate young women in getting better jobs and sound careers, I thought I will do it when I am old and have nothing to do. Well, I was wrong.

Now I can assure you that its not only beneficial for the 'mentee' but its also good for the mentor. Let's see how:

Self Awareness: Over the time, we get too busy in the work and forget who we are. When a mentor is giving advise, he/she gets a chance to reflect on those early years of struggle and the experiences gained. And a person realizes how much change the time has bring in you.

Motivation to do good: You feel humble, when another person asks for your advise and there develop a general feeling of being kind and generous and be a positive contributor.

Forecast: When you have "been there and done that" you know what can happen to the young professionals in their next step and what they should do. You are in a better position to forecast the conclusion of the next step, hence act as a guide and keep them on track!

Positive Reinforcement: You not only encourage others to think and act positively but it is also a positive reinforcement for you. You feel the same spirit which you did in the starting of your career.

In short, its a two way benefit trip, both for the mentor and mentee. You feel better connected with yourself with an inner happiness which comes from doing good for others. Small acts of kindness and generosity go a long way in life. We are not just Professional people, we are human beings with thoughts and care for others.

Happy Reading!


  1. Hey.
    I have always been wanting to ask you one question. How did you get here?


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