Group dynamics

How the Group works? Is it important to be in the Group? these are the questions that are taught to us when we are in college and universities. However, the real learning happens in our work lives when we face these things practically. What you read in books and what is taught in the universities does not apply completely in practical lives.

Group dynamics is not just about working together socially with different individuals but it has a lot to do with behaviors and psychology prevailing in the group. It happens because people from different cultures, casts and backgrounds...speaking different languages join together to form a group. The purpose of the group is the accomplishment of certain specific goals, however, coming from different backgrounds every individual has a different perspective and understanding of the tasks assigned.

Therefore, meeting the deadlines, achieving goals requires a great deal of understanding of each others behaviors and attitudes, their thinking limitations and how the gaps can be bridged and goals accomplished. Believe me it is easier said than done. There is usually a great deal of friction between the members of a group and usually it ends up having sub-groups in a group.

No two individuals are alike! its a universal fact and should be accepted by all! Even if you belong to the same culture, you would be different from your other counterpart. So, with this fact established the most essential thing that is required is to develop tolerance and be patient of others around you.

Psychology is a very interesting subject and I would advice everyone to at least develop a general understanding of the subject which will enable them to work better as a team or a group and with more chance of success and accomplishment.

Remember you or I, we can not work alone! Silos do not work! We have to work in a group, develop an understanding of each others behavior, accept and acknowledge, tolerate and care to ensure continuous success and motivation.


  1. A very good read yet again! But i would like you to write something about working in team and leading a team! Hope to see it soon! Cheers!

    Warm Regards,

    Your Well Wisher


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