

Recently there is this buss going on for hurricane Sandy which is about to hit East Coast of America in next couple of hours. Watching news I realized that how many of us considered the calamities that happen to the humans in any given day! Natural calamities damage the masses where as the calamities happening on a personal level damage the person himself and those around him! Nevertheless the damage is as potent as a natural calamity is to hundreds and thousands. But did we ever stop and thought that we need to be prepared for it the way we are preparing for 'Sandy'?? I guess not! We just let things happen to us and the damage is more cause we didn't prepared our self. If we would have, we would be in way better shape, especially psychologically. As a child is growing up, we need to prepare him / her to handle these calamities which can be in the form of law and order situation, accidental deaths in the family, separation or any other such incident which marks the l...

Corporate Flirtation

Anybody who is unaware of the term or how its done?? I don't think so! We are all way to familiar with it! Now and then every women who has worked in the Corporate World has been subjected to it....and is familiar of tackling the situation in a subtle way. There may be mere nuisance or can get serious at times, but honestly the serious situations are rather rare and one can handle matters of such nature easily. There are two questions in my mind always when I think about it: One why man do it?? and the other is Why the hell every body notices it?? What is so great that every men tries his hand at it?? Come on don't you have your jobs to do that you are wasting your time on it?? and even if you like someone sincerely then please make sure that you don't do anything that is disrespectful and can cause talk! People make cake of themselves when they move around a woman at work! They are like lapdogs wagging their tail and drooling all over! I might sound nasty but the fa...

Emergencies and Urgencies!

In a professional environment it is difficult to determine what is urgent and what is an emergency as it largely depends on the person who is your supervisor or manager or the Boss. Be in any position that's one thing that you have to determine on your own, off course you can't go and stand in front of your boss and ask him/her if its urgent or its just an emergency at the top level. Do you know the difference between the urgent and the emergency?? I bet you do! Urgent is the work with a decent level of background and a deadline whereas emergency has no background or at least not a recent background but is the product of wild imaginations of the people sitting at the top. In the third world countries especially the entire functioning of the organization is dependent on the thoughts of the owners or COO/CEOs. Whatever they think becomes the policy or the guideline or norm for the organization. This constitutes a lot of emergency rather than urgency. Recently I have experien...

Characters in a Team.......the fanatics

In my last write about the Teams and their dynamics, I shred my thoughts on the subject and after much discussion with my colleagues and on their insistence I finally am writing about the various characteristics of every team member. I don’t know how many of you have observed these characters in the offices but they are there, all you need is an observant eye and you’ll find them in no time.  To start of the one character that I have observed most is the Comedian. The senseless, mad and wild. This character will leave you feeling frustrated with your own self and you know why? Cause no matter how hard you try to put something in his brain, hardly anything goes in. He talks and talks and loves to interfere in everyone’s business. Sometime you will be in the middle of a very important discussion and all of a sudden the comedian will pick the thread of your conversation from the middle and will pass a comment which will surpass all logic and sense. On the other hand the ...

Living on the Edge!

Living life to the fullest! How many of us are able to do it?? Hardly any and do you ever thought why is that?? For the last one year I have been going through the experience of a life time and learned a lot along the way. The most important lesson that I learned is that we ourselves only are the cause of restricted living! We restrict ourselves for some godforsaken reason that we only half understand ourselves and simultaneously we try to understand ourselves from others perspective and so live a life on the precipice of  happiness and doom on either side of us....we keep on weighing alternates but never truly decide whats best for ourselves. The basic reason is we are not using our own views and thoughts, we judge things like, "if I do this then mom will say this....." or "I like it but I cant do it coz daddy wont like it" so where are we in all this?? This is the most common illness faced by the South Asian generations! We are brought up to be tolerant of ot...

The Teams and The Fanatics

Every team is a combination of various characters.....The intellects, the moderators, the aggressors and the comedians and off course the leader. In my experience it is the comedian that is most difficult to control or at least tone down a bit. And you know why cause he is too busy being the funny guy that he doesn't or may be can not realize how his actions are jeopardizing the team and its effectiveness.  The intellects are the book worms, absorbing the knowledge and sharing wisdom...again this if taken to immeasurable heights can become an issue.Who wants a living encyclopedia? Know what I mean??  The poor babies are the moderators...trying their best to make everyone happy and be pleasant.  Their dilemma is even more frustrating cause they try to be effective also. Aggressors are well....aggressors!! The tension creators, and my the arguments they get into...not only outside the teams / groups but also within the group.  ...

Corporate World!

God how lucky must be those who are running their own businesses....and how poor us doing jobs! All day long, we hear nothing but do this and do that and what are the norms and what should not be done in the office...what is acceptable and what is not! So like any other office...I have my fair share of do's and do's and do's and don'ts!!! But the real question is how we'll do all these do's..putting them into action is the real task. And that's not the only thing, we also have to keep things cool, positive and effective! The best advice I can give anyone is to keep a cheerful outlook on things...I know its not possible always but one has to try and keep on trying! the more negative you get the more frustrated the situation will become. Believe me, if you are not positive then every task, every assignment is going to be a misery and you will learn nothing. Working professionally is important but how many of us take our assignments as a way of learning ...