
The Power of Listening First: Understanding Before Reacting

  In today's fast-paced world, communication often feels like a race against time. We rush to express our thoughts, share our opinions, and make our points without taking a moment to truly listen. The consequence? Misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities for connection. Let's explore the importance of listening first and then responding, how jumping to conclusions and not giving others the chance to explain can hinder effective communication and relationships. The Rush to Conclude In the age of information overload and constant distraction, it's become all too common for people to jump to conclusions without fully comprehending what's being said. We often interrupt, assume, and judge prematurely. This impulsive behavior not only leads to misunderstandings but also damages relationships and inhibits personal growth. Imagine a scenario where someone is sharing their perspective on a complex issue. Instead of patiently listening and seeking to understand, we ...

Crafting Success: The Surprising Benefits of Arts and Crafts for Managers

In the fast-paced world of management, where decisions are made in the blink of an eye and stress levels can soar, finding a creative outlet might not seem like a top priority. However, what if I told you that engaging in arts and crafts can be a game-changer for managers? In this blog post, I would like to share the often-overlooked benefits that arts and crafts can bring to the world of management. Stress Reduction and Mental Well-Being One of the most significant advantages of arts and crafts for managers is stress reduction. The act of creating art or crafting can be meditative, allowing managers to unwind and relax. This, in turn, contributes to better mental well-being, helping managers to face their professional challenges with a clearer mind and a calmer demeanor. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills Artistic endeavors often involve solving complex design and execution problems. Managers who engage in arts and crafts develop valuable problem-solving skills, which can be directly app...

The Harmonious Focus : How Music Enhances Concentration

In the quest for improved concentration and productivity, individuals often turn to various methods and techniques. From time management strategies to meditation, there is a plethora of tools at our disposal. However, one often-overlooked tool that can significantly enhance concentration is music. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating relationship between music and concentration, delving into how certain types of music can transform your focus and boost your productivity. The Science Behind Music and Concentration It's no secret that music has a profound impact on our emotions and mood. Whether it's the soothing melodies of classical compositions or the energetic beats of pop songs, music can influence our state of mind. Researchers have discovered that music can also have a powerful effect on our ability to concentrate. One of the key mechanisms by which music enhances concentration is through its impact on the brain's reward system. When we listen to music we...

What's in it for the Mentor?

Recently I got a chance to act as a Mentor for young women who are entering the Job market or who find themselves in trouble in the Corporate World. I took the opportunity as a way of giving back the good experiences I have accumulated in the last 7 years. A couple of years back, i was very much encouraged by a colleague of mine to motivate young women in getting better jobs and sound careers, I thought I will do it when I am old and have nothing to do. Well, I was wrong. Now I can assure you that its not only beneficial for the 'mentee' but its also good for the mentor. Let's see how: Self Awareness: Over the time, we get too busy in the work and forget who we are. When a mentor is giving advise, he/she gets a chance to reflect on those early years of struggle and the experiences gained. And a person realizes how much change the time has bring in you. Motivation to do good: You feel humble, when another person asks for your advise and there develop a gene...

Being Human

Life has so much to show us, so much to teach us. Sometimes we don't know ourselves what we are capable of and how we can react. A while back someone worked real hard to hurt me, and I did got badly burn....I will carry these scars for the rest of my life. What I didn't knew was that I would learn to love these scars, that they will become a sign of beauty and not hurt. It takes time but if you have a heart that is blessed by Allah, with love and kindness you will find peace in pain. I always thought nothing can drag me down, no pain can make me hurt for long. I was wrong, some situations hurt you all through your life, some pains you will with every breath you take. And its not bad, it means I knew how to love and trust. The difficult part was to understood why me. And i still didn't got it but i know something else now. I know I don't have to fight this feeling of pain and hurt anymore, I don't have to go into a panic attack to find some...

Why HR people preach the benefits of Continuous Learning?

In any healthy organization you will find the HR people always going on and on about the benefits of learning continuously. You will see that the HR people in the organization attend various learning events, social meet-ups and are generally more vibrant and impressive. Have you ever noticed why this happens? Why they tend to capture attention in a gathering? Why you find people looking out for the HR representatives and everyone is attentive when they speak? Well the answer is simple, in any organization; they are the people who are more aware of “what’s new in the Industry”, “The latest updates, and the new Trends” and “what’s up next”. This is more attributed to the role of HR people in the organization. They have to keep themselves developed and informed  with market trends, they have to be well versed, as they have to reach and connect with people at all levels, internal and external. They are not only desired to be more human, but more knowledgeable and understandin...

Gender Dynamics at Work

Ever wonder why things are different in one organization where there are more men and few women then from one where there are more females and few males. It’s a completely different experience in both the situations. Someone like me who has experience both to the max knows the dynamics that exist. One where there are more males the environment is charged with currents of male combat and women are treated more as damsels in distress, whether they are upset or not. Simultaneously, a woman would feel more challenged and questioned in such an environment…as all the eyes are on you. And sometimes you feel as if you are less human and more an object in the eyes of males of the species. But here we should not forget that men with their objectivity helps you get by difficult things quickly.  They are great helpers, do the tasks that you feel uncomfortable in doing with great aplomb, stand-up for you, be kind and generous and take my word for it, they are far better friends to a...