We all tend to make mistakes again ‘n’ again from the things that we should have done to the things we shouldn’t have bought….hence, at every turn there is a mistake waiting to happen. Remember the English text we all studied in college. It was captioned something like “The Day the Dam Broke”. It was all about a misunderstanding cause by confusion between ‘damn’ and ‘dam’. The conclusion is we act on what we perceive than what actually is! Interestingly every mistake from a plane crash to a wrong meal order, all is attributed to human error and once the human error comes in to picture, all investigations into the probable cause are stopped! We forget to find the actual cause and blame everything on human error. The real question is to figure out why it all happens? What triggers these mistakes. Do you know that right handed people always prefer the right hand route and vice versa? Do you know that while attempting Multiple-choice questions people usually have doub...